Thursday, October 28, 2010

Visual oh so stimulating!

My first intro to design was in a far away land walking by a far away place. It was the most expensive clothing store in the city. They were famous for their window displays. What i loved about it mostly is that i was far from being able to afford the clothes they were selling, but what i appreciated was that they appealed to everyone's senses no matter what amount of $ we had in our pocket. They were the only store in the land that welcomed poor students like myself at that time to waltz in there without feeling intimidation, stroll around, and gaze and tickle their merchandise and then turn on my heels and walk out without a bag of new digs in my hand. I admire stores who share their love of merchandise with those who can easily fall in love with them too. My next project will hopefully be a store front window and i hope to create that spark in a young persons' memory too.

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